#011 Morgan Stanley’s 10 + 10 Analysis On Why It Is Totally Bullish On India

On today’s episode, financial journalist Govindraj Ethiraj talks to Bhaskar Rao P, MD of the 100-year old Orient Exchange and General Secretary of the All India Money Changers and Money Transfer Agents Association as well as Ashok K Bhattacharya, editorial director and columnist at Business Standard.

  • [01:24] Morgan Stanley’s 10 + 10 analysis on why it is totally bullish on India.
  • [07:25] The 20% presumptive tax on international credit card is kicking in soon. 
  • [15:24] And hmm..former Chief Economic Advisor Kaushik Basu raises a small social media storm when he says that India grew below potential at 3.28% between 2020-23. 
  • [21:49] Mumbai is heating up and power demand hit an all-time high of close to 4,000 MW.

#011 Morgan Stanley’s 10 + 10 Analysis On Why It Is Totally Bullish On India
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