#085 India’s First Quarter GDP Is At 7.8%, Below Most Forecasts

On today’s episode, financial journalist Govindraj Ethiraj talks to Aditi Nayar, Chief Economist at rating agency ICRA as well as Vivek Rathi, Director of Research at Knight Frank. 

  • [01:00] India’s first quarter GDP is at 7.8%, below most forecasts.
  • [08:49] An investigative journalism report points more fingers at Adani shareholding.
  • [14:21] Mumbai sees record property sales in August, as prices set to rise further
  • [21:46] Why is Indian IT sounding despondent while global banks are stepping up spending. An excerpt of The Core Report Weekend Edition
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#085 India’s First Quarter GDP Is At 7.8%, Below Most Forecasts
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