#252 Innovation & Trust: Dissecting the 2024 Edelman Trust Barometer with Matthew Harrington

In this Weekend Edition of The Core Report, Govindraj Ethiraj is in conversation with Matthew Harrington, Global President & COO at Edelman about the latest findings from the Edelman Trust Barometer. 

Is innovation building a better future, or eroding trust? This episode dives deep into how people around the world view innovation and its impact on trust in institutions. You'll learn about the changing trust dynamic in traditional and social media, why India stands out in global trust rankings, the link between economic well-being and trust, why businesses are seen as more trustworthy than governments, the growing importance of building trust with employees, how employee activism (like rising labor movements in the US) is impacting trust dynamics and many more insights.
#252 Innovation & Trust: Dissecting the 2024 Edelman Trust Barometer with Matthew Harrington
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