#218 For Foreign Investors, India Is A Debt Story Right Now

On today’s episode, financial journalist Govindraj Ethiraj talks to Sheetal Sapale, Vice President at Pharmarack as well as Ajay Kedia of Kedia Advisory, a leading commodities brokerage based near Mumbai.

  • (00:00) Stories Of The Day
  • (00:50) For foreign investors, India is a debt story right now
  • (03:12) Personal income taxes continue to power growth in tax collections
  • (04:15) Weight loss drug sales are running away in India, like elsewhere.
  • (13:57) How Photovoltaics and Automotive Industries Are Driving Silver Demand.
  • (22:50) Michael Jackson Music Catalog Valued At $1.2 billion.
#218 For Foreign Investors, India Is A Debt Story Right Now
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