#170 Sensex Hits 70,000 As Markets Pause For Breath

On today’s episode, financial journalist Govindraj Ethiraj talks to Viktor Katona, lead crude analyst at Vienna-headquartered energy research firm Kpler as well as Rahil Shaikh, Managing Director of MEIR Commodities, a sugar trading company. 

  • (00:00) Stories Of The Day
  • (01:19) Sensex hits 70,000 as markets pause for breath.
  • (02:15) Oil continues to trade weak as demand signals stutter.
  • (07:55) Government’s move to ban use of sugarcane juice for ethanol could add a month’s additional sugar stock.
  • (16:07) India’s alcohol market is growing and Coca Cola finds a way in.
  • (18:03) India’s travel and tourism sector to grow a healthy 12% says Crisil
  • (19:53) Australia starts to cut back on record high migration.
#170 Sensex Hits 70,000 As Markets Pause For Breath
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