#152 Personal Loans Will Get Expensive, Will That Solve The Problem?

On today’s episode, financial journalist Govindraj Ethiraj talks to Manisha Kapoor, CEO of Advertising Standards Council of India(ASCI).

  • [00:00] Stories Of The Day
  • [01:10] Demand or Supply, What Will Drive Oil Prices Now?
  • [03:43] Personal Loans will get expensive, will that solve the problem?
  • [08:16] Every product and service can’t be green, even if it claims to. Guidelines to crack down on greenwashing advertising as it’s known are on the way. 
  • [15:45] Sam Altman may return to OpenAI, that will not solve the problem of AI.
  • [18:54] Thailand goes all out again for high spending tourists.
  • [20:25] Australia Wins The ICC Cricket World Cup 2023
#152 Personal Loans Will Get Expensive, Will That Solve The Problem?
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