#104 “China Collapsing”: Reality or Narrative? In conversation with Louis-Vincent Gave

On this episode, financial journalist Govindraj Ethiraj talks to Louis-Vincent Gave, founding partner and CEO of Gavekal, one of the world's leading providers of investment research, providing insights on the global macroeconomy and markets, and on China's economy and companies. In 1998, Louis launched Gavekal with his father Charles and Anatole Kaletsky. At the time, Asia was set to become an ever more important factor in global growth, so Gavekal was set up to offer its clients more information, and more ideas, relating to Asia.

Louis has written seven books, the latest being Avoiding the Punch: Investing in Uncertain Times which reviews how to build a portfolio at a time of rising geostrategic strife, and when very low interest rates and stretched valuations on most assets announce constrained returns on most assets over the next decade.

In this conversation you learn about the state of China's exports, how the Russia-Ukraine War catalyzed de-dollarization, the impact of green energy on western economies, how the markets view India and more.

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#104 “China Collapsing”: Reality or Narrative? In conversation with Louis-Vincent Gave
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