#072 US Banking Industry Braces For Downgrades As Indian Banking Industry Gets Upgrades

On today’s episode, financial journalist Govindraj Ethiraj talks to oil analyst Vandana Hari of Vanda Insights as well as Yuvika Singhal, Economist at QuantEco Research.

  • [00:50] US Banking industry braces for downgrades as Indian banking industry gets upgrades.
  • [04:36] Oil Prices, Until Recently Projected Staying Low, Are Now SkyRocketing with Vandana Hari
  • [13:07] When will inflation settle down? with Yuvika Singhal
  • [20:27] A Plant In A Year. Ramping Up Manufacturing In The New Age
  • [24:03] Ahmedabad, Kolkata and Pune are cities where you can actually afford homes.
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#072 US Banking Industry Braces For Downgrades As Indian Banking Industry Gets Upgrades
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