#060 Goods And Service Tax Collections Top ₹1,65,000 Crore

On today’s episode, financial journalist Govindraj Ethiraj talks to Dinesh Kanabar, founder & CEO of tax firm Dhruva Advisors as well as Gautam Chikermane Vice President at Observer Research Foundation.

  • [00:51] GST Collections top Rs 165,000 crore, will this momentum hold? with Dinesh Kanabar
  • [09:55] Gold demand set to slip this year as do Indian markets, on August 1 
  • [10:52] A new bill aims to decriminalise draconian laws that hurt business. Is it enough? with Gautam Chikermane
  • [19:45] Another airline gets set to fly international
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#060 Goods And Service Tax Collections Top ₹1,65,000 Crore
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