#058 The India Semiconductor Race Gathers Pace as AMD Announces $400 Million Investment

On today’s episode, financial journalist Govindraj Ethiraj talks to Murali Neelakantan, Principal Lawyer at amicus and earlier global general counsel with Glenmark Laboratories and Cipla Laboratories, as well as, Sabina Dewan, President of JustJobs Network, a global research organization which produces empirical research on job creation.

  • [01:04] The India Semiconductor Race Gathers Pace as AMD announces $400 million investment.
  • [04:47] Can the sovereign of India be taken to court for deadly cough syrups exported by private companies? with Murali Neelakantan
  • [17:32] Gig workers are a visible part of the country’s workforce.. A bill in Rajasthan wants to protect them. Can it? with Sabina Dewan
  • [26:44] The Bank of England hires former US Federal Reserve head Ben Bernanke to find out why the Uk slept through inflation rises. 
  • [29:51] Will summer travel ever be the same again?
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#058 The India Semiconductor Race Gathers Pace as AMD Announces $400 Million Investment
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