#057 In India 136 Million People Are Pre-Diabetic. Should You Be Worried? with Dr. R M Anjana

On this episode, financial journalist Govindraj Ethiraj talks to Dr. R.M. Anjana, Managing Director of Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre, a WHO Collaborating Centre for Non Communicable Diseases Prevention and Control and IDF Centre of Education. She is also the Vice President of the Madras Diabetes Research Foundation, which is an ICMR Centre for Advanced Research on Diabetes. Her main research areas are prevention of diabetes, epidemiology, physical activity and translational research and metagenomics.

Dr. Anjana has published over 250 papers in national and international peer reviewed journals. She has also participated and given lectures in several national and international conferences and programmes on diabetes, non communicable diseases and cardiovascular epidemiology.

In this conversation you will learn about the alarming implications of a recent study (for which Dr. Anjana is the lead author) by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) on diabetes in India, what were some of the study's findings, and insights into the diabetes epidemic from both a personal and policy lens.

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#057 In India 136 Million People Are Pre-Diabetic. Should You Be Worried? with Dr. R M Anjana
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