#051 India’s Best Finance Ministers In The Early Years with AK Bhattacharya

On this episode, financial journalist Govindraj Ethiraj talks to A K Bhattacharya, an economic journalist who has worked in the industry for more than four decades. He set the bar for business reporting as the chief of bureau at the Economic Times in the early 1990s, when economic reforms raged. He went on to become the editor of the Pioneer and Business Standard. He is now Business Standard's editorial director and a writer of a long-running column - Raisina Hill.

His latest book From Independence to Emergency: India’s Finance Ministers 1947-1977 is the story of India’s finance ministers who shaped India’s economy in the first thirty years after Independence. In this conversation you'll learn and hear anecdotes about the various policies that were introduced in that era of India's economy, how some of the institutions that form the backbone of the economy were set up, the dynamic between the prime minister and the finance minister, and more. 

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#051 India’s Best Finance Ministers In The Early Years with AK Bhattacharya
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