#035 India Inc Is Having Its Best Days But India’s MSMEs Struggle

On today’s episode, financial journalist Govindraj Ethiraj talks to Crisil’s Director of Research Pushan Sharma.

  • [01:00] India Inc is having it’s best days but India’s MSMEs struggle, as working capital challenges mount with Pushan Sharma
  • [12:34] The Rs 2,000 note is going back home to the RBI, or about 76% so far
  • [14:28] How Softbank sold artificial intelligence to everyone 7 years ago but barely invested in any stocks since then
  • [23:14] Jio Says It Will Liberate 250 Million Mobile Phone Users Trapped In 2G Networks
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#035 India Inc Is Having Its Best Days But India’s MSMEs Struggle
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