#033 Real Estate Revival: Changing Trends with Anuj Puri

On this Weekend Edition, financial journalist Govindraj Ethiraj talks to Anuj Puri, Real Estate Entrepreneur and Chairman at ANAROCK Property Consultants Private Limited. Anuj has over 27 years of experience with expertise in planning, undertaking demand assessment studies and transaction services including marketing strategies based on technical real estate market analysis, feasibility studies, program requirement derivation and fund and investor sourcing. The company that he chairs, ANAROCK, has a radical and disruptive residential brokerage model which fully enables supply, demand and discovery through a digital platform, with transactions facilitated offline via highly-trained real estate experts.

In this conversation you will learn about the current state of the real estate market in India, how the pandemic has impacted real estate, the current trends in supply and demand, the surprising formalisation of large parts of the industry, and more.

Connecting the Dots with Anuj Puri on Youtube

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#033 Real Estate Revival: Changing Trends with Anuj Puri
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